Juneteenth Day: A Celebration of Freedom

Emancipation Proclaimed

June 19th, 1865: A proclamation in Galveston liberated African Americans, sparking joy and hope nationwide.

Juneteenth Becomes Federal Holiday

In 2021, Juneteenth was declared a federal holiday in the United States, marking a milestone in recognizing the importance of freedom and unity nationwide.

Vibrant Celebrations Across the States

From Texas to New York, California to Georgia, Juneteenth celebrations flourish across the nation.

Festivities and Traditions

From jubilant parades echoing with music and gatherings filled with storytelling and traditional cuisines, Juneteenth honors heritage and the enduring spirit of unity.

Reflection and Remembrance

In moments of celebration, we honor ancestors' sacrifices and strive for justice and equality, embodying Juneteenth's legacy.

Symbols of Strength

The Juneteenth flag: red, white, and blue hues weaving history's triumphs, resilience, and a future full of promise.

Bridging Generations

Juneteenth bridges divides, uniting communities in celebration of diversity and shared determination. Embrace unity in diversity.

GemsNY: Sparkle Your Freedom

Celebrate diversity and empowerment through gemstones that sparkle with your unique story.