Hey you…you’re engaged? Mazel tov!!
It’s time to pop the champagne…we are sure that you’ve waited for the day when your soulmate would proclaim his love and ask you to be his forever! This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life and we couldn’t be happier. But have you been thinking about this special day so much that now that it has happened, you’re staring at the ceiling thinking “Now what?”. The truth of the matter is that many are sailing in the same boat and don’t have the answer to the “now what?” question. We are here to guide you the right way!
GemsNY not only helps couples get the perfect engagement ring that they deserve but also believes in giving out exciting ideas for proposals or what they should do after getting engaged. We surely love to be your go-to source for off-the-wall ideas!
Enjoy the Moment
Stop freaking out about your wedding…you’ve just got engaged! Breathe, take it all in, enjoy the moment! This is a special day of your life, savor it. It would be really exciting and tempting to dive right into the planning process of your wedding day, but we would advise you to take some time off for yourself, let the “I am engaged” feeling sink in.

Take a week or two off to unwind and celebrate with your fiancé. Enjoy little dates to relish this moment, because you know that planning a wedding is like opening up pandora’s box. You’ll be swamped with work very soon even before you know it. And if you keep; living in the moment and enjoying your engagement will go out of the window!
Checklist Time
Now that you have taken it all in and basked in the glory of your engagement it’s time to roll up your sleeves and make a checklist of ideas that you’ve dreamed of all along and would like to pull off like a pro! Again, take it slow, dipping your toes in the pool of wedding planning can be a frenzied task. So, calm down, plan a date with your fiancé, and discuss the vision boards with each other over a quiet candlelight dinner!

Always dreamed of a destination wedding or a local wedding? What kind of cake, caterers, how many wedding guests to be invited, deciding on the maid of honor or the best man for your wedding – coming to a consensus on these vital details for the wedding will give you a good headstart into the planning process? A checklist for your wedding will ease you in and help you not forget any little details later on.
Budgeting Time
One of the most important decisions to make before planning your dream wedding is to finalize the budget! Yes, discussing the budget with your fiance, your family and their family can be a dreadful experience, but trust us, in the long run…planning your wedding will become a much easier process. When you know your budget, you’ll be making choices accordingly. Also, when you involve the two families, you not just relay their importance in your life but get to benefit from their experiences and wisdom.

Preliminary Guest-list
Why prepare a guest list this early when we haven’t even decided on the wedding date? This must definitely be the first thing that pops in your head, right? But this macro task if done in advance will make your planning way smoother! It is virtually impossible to create a list of invitees in one go and you’ll keep on remembering names for the list once you start. Thus the probability of forgetting to invite someone stands reduced considerably.

Choosing your dream venue that falls into your budget and also accommodates the number of guests on your list will help in finalizing it in a very efficient and smooth manner.
Finalize The Date
Isn’t that the first thing to do? There are just so many other things to take care of before deciding on the dates (see above points). You can finalize the wedding date depending on the availability of a preferred venue. Alternatively, the preferred date can be the basis for finalizing the venue. Take your own pick!

Hire A Photographer
All along your planning one important aspect not to be left for the eleventh hour is hiring a photographer. Good photographers usually have their calendar booked way in advance. Moreover, finding a good photographer is going to require some research, exploring and dialogues. So it’s better to start working on this part of your wedding alongside other dimensions. After all, you wouldn’t want your memorable pictures to miss out on anything.

Major stuff after getting engaged is over now. You have your checklist in place and decided on the number of guests. You’ve also finalized the venue and photographer for the next big event- your wedding! GemsNY would love to be a part of your wedding…how? You can choose your wedding jewelry from us. We believe in redefining luxury for our clients, and would love to convert your dream jewelry into a reality! Explore more on our website!