5 Types of Necklace Styles Everyone Should Know

Classic Chain Style

Among many styles, the classic chain is the most sophisticated yet elegant design, known for its interlocked links that effortlessly prettifies any outfit with its excellent beauty

Bold Choker Necklace

Choker necklaces are known for their bold look. The magnificent design with complex detailing is what makes it a statement piece. It adds a hint of charm to any outfit.

Elegance of Festoon Necklace

Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite festoon necklaces feature a beautiful chain embellished with an avalanche of sparkling gemstones, creating a mesmerizing visual display.

Captivating Beauty of Lariat Necklace

Lariat necklaces are typically Y-shaped long chains with a charm at the end. The fascinating fact is that these necklaces are quite versatile and can be styled in various ways.

Ideal Locket Necklace

Locket necklaces feature a sleek chain along with a pendant that comes with a chamber in which you can attach a small photo and wear it close to your heart.

Pendant Necklaces @GemsNY

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