July Birthstone: Symbolism and Birthstone Jewelry

Discover what your birthstone represents and the different birthstone jewelry you can wear

Ruby— The July Birthstone

July borns are lucky to have a gemstone as precious and bewitching as ruby to have as their birthstone

What does a ruby symbolize?

Ruby, the King of Gemstones, is known to represent power, wealth, happiness, love, and protection

July Birthstone Jewelry You Can Wear

While some people prefer carrying a loose ruby stone with them, many like wearing their birthstone as jewelry, and here are some ruby jewelry you can consider

Beautiful Ruby Rings and Bands

Add a subtle pop of red color to your ensemble with a stunning ruby ring/band

Charming Ruby Bracelet

Exuberance meets a splash of color when you wear this gorgeous ruby bracelet

Stunning Ruby Earrings

Accentuate your facial feature by donning a pair of alluring ruby earrings

Gorgeous Ruby Necklace

Flaunt your July birthstone with a beautiful ruby necklace

Your Ideal July Birthstone Jewelry

At GemsNY, you can find a diverse collection of gemstone jewelry, meaning there is a piece of jewelry for every taste