Just add a hint of metal and gemstones to your ensemble to bring out your best version to the world. If you are already inclined to this idea, you are cordially invited to the tourmaline gemstone troupe of jewelry lovers!
This fantastically charming, vibrantly colorful and undeniably affordable gem can revamp both formal & semi-formal looks from meh to fab! But there’s much more to tourmaline gemstones than meets your eyes. These mystical semi-precious stunners possess some extraordinary metaphysical properties that further add to the gem’s worth.
Tourmaline Gemstone: The Official October Birthstone
If you’re born in October, tourmaline birthstone jewelry can be your obvious choice since tourmaline is the October birthstone. But did you know that it shares the title with opal? Yes, this iridescent gemstone is another October birthstone. However, most October borns prefer tourmaline perhaps due to its hardness which is way higher than its rival birthstone.
Moreover, you can pick your favorite tourmaline color based on its distinct symbolism. For instance, green tourmalines are the promoters of vitality and bravery. A pink tourmaline gemstone reflects the gentle emotions of love, care and kindness. Black tourmalines, on the contrary, are the embodiments of protection and self-confidence.
Apart from this, tourmalines also make memorable jewelry gifts for couples celebrating their eighth wedding anniversary.
Astrological Benefits of Tourmaline Gemstone
If you belong to Libra or Scorpio astrological sign, tourmaline birthstone is your go-to good luck charm. Are you still skeptical about it? Refer to the list of tourmaline benefits given below and thank us later for keeping you posted.
1. Encourages Deep Connections
A tourmaline gemstone fosters profound associations between romantic partners. Keeping this colorful gem by your side can nurture the wearer’s soul with abundant love and compassion. The color pink represents love and therefore, pink tourmaline gemstone jewelry is an ideal birthstone gift option for your October-born significant other.

2. Relieves Emotional Trauma
If your heart is burdened by the loss of a dear one or deception from a confidant, make the tourmaline birthstone your savior. This multi-hued gem is a celestial healer, giving the wearer much-needed inner peace of mind and heart to survive heartbreaks. This reminds me of the paraiba tourmaline gemstone. Its refreshing marine color tones are a sea of tranquility, a perfect dose of happiness.
3. Enhances Insights & Patience
Even though tourmalines excel at strengthening interpersonal bonds, hitches are bound to occur here and there. But fret not! With a tourmaline gemstone close to your heart, you can see through the disagreements with a peaceful mind. So instead of building up the tension, you would naturally aim at resolving the conflict. Isn’t that the best way to control any critical situation with patience?
4. Powerhouse of Positive Energy
A tourmaline gemstone is an excellent conductor of spiritual energy that can activate the body’s chakras. The smooth flow of these positive vibes throughout the body can protect the wearer from stress and anxiety. This also implies that with tourmaline birthstone jewelry on your body, you can punch the negativity in its face.
Other Advantages of Tourmaline Gemstone
The benefits of choosing a tourmaline are not just limited to astrology. It offers vibrant colors along with affordability.
A Rich Color Palette
Tourmaline is one gemstone that exudes rainbow colors to the envy of many other natural gemstones. In fact, this distinguishing attribute of a tourmaline gemstone clicks with its name which has been derived from the Sinhalese term “toramalli” interpreted as “stone with mixed colors”.
Tourmalines exist in a wide spectrum of hues, ranging from colorless to black variety and all the colors in between. And as with any other multi-hued gemstone, some tourmaline colors are more revered than the rest.
One such color variant is a pink tourmaline gemstone. It exhibits exquisite tones of pink, ranging from soft to vivid hot pink. Gems with the darkest pink shades reaching red or violet-red are termed rubellites. Did the name ring the bell? Yes, you got it right! It resonates with ruby and guess what, rubellites do possess an uncanny resemblance to rubies. No wonder, rubellites are the rarest and the priciest variety in the tourmaline group.
Another member of the gem group renowned throughout the world for its breathtaking hues is the Paraiba tourmaline gemstone. This heart-stealer of a gemstone displays an enchanting blend of neon blue and green, much like aquamarines. And just like rubellites, paraiba tourmalines come with a premium price tag.

Yet another awesome tourmaline gemstone varieties are bi-colored and tri-colored tourmalines. Have you ever heard of watermelon tourmalines? These tourmalines demonstrate a ravishing amalgamation of pink and green hues akin to a watermelon. Some naturally occurring crystals show pink hues at one end and green at the other whereas some have a pink core with a green outer shell.
Surprisingly, some tourmalines can also switch colors as one views them from different directions. Did it remind you of chameleon-like alexandrite gemstones?
Tourmaline Gemstone Is An Affordable Alternative
Apart from their wide range of colors, tourmaline gemstones standout as an affordable alternative to ‘precious gemstones’. For half their price either you can double your jewelry or go for some savings.
Take for instance yellow, purple, brown and blue sapphires. These precious gems might cost you a fortune. But a tourmaline gemstone in any resembling color will steal your heart and yet save big on your pocket. Green tourmalines aka chrome tourmalines work wonders as emerald alternatives, giving you stunning appearance at a lower price.

The same goes for a ruby and a rubellite. The former is a precious stone, hence commands a premium price. However, the latter serves as an affordable alternative though it gives you the same look.
Tourmaline Jewelry: Durability & Care
A tourmaline birthstone is undoubtedly a powerful spiritual talisman for the October borns. However, in terms of hardness, this October birthstone stands no chance against diamonds and other precious stones. This is because tourmalines score between 7 and 7.5 on the 10-point Mohs hardness scale. While it is a decent score for everyday jewelry, you can’t take a tourmaline gemstone for granted.

You must keep your tourmaline jewelry guarded against harsh chemicals, hard surfaces and extremely high temperatures. To prolong the life of your tourmaline gemstone jewelry, clean it with a mild soap solution using a soft brush. Avoid using ultrasonic or steam cleaners as they can jeopardize the quality of the gems.
As for the storage, keep your tourmaline jewelry pieces away from other harder gemstones to prevent scratching or chipping. Also, take off your tourmaline jewels before putting on or removing makeup and while doing any physically demanding job.
Tourmaline Sparkle @GemsNY
Dazzle with tourmaline gemstone jewelry day and night, with GemsNY by your side!
Our curated collection of loose pink & paraiba tourmaline gemstones is beyond beautiful. Give your October-born mates a pleasant surprise with tourmaline birthstone jewelry featuring two of these vivacious color varieties. And we are so sure, they will go gaga over the stones’ feminine pink and the electric blue-green hues.
Don’t take off just yet! Explore our collection of loose gemstones for other astrological signs. Who knows this might become your life-changing moment with only good luck chasing you? Keep shining bright, just like GemsNY reviews.
1. Besides being October birthstone, which zodiac sign Tourmaline is suitable for?
Tourmaline aligns perfectly with the artistic Libras and loyal Scorpios.
2. Is it safe to wear tourmaline in everyday jewelry pieces?
Yes, but you must protect your tourmaline gemstone from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures and hard surfaces.
3. Which tourmaline color should I pick to derive maximum astrological benefits?
All color varieties of tourmaline are equally effective in striking the right astrological balance. However, based on your horoscope an astrologer can guide you better.
4. Which astrological jewelry of tourmaline can I wear?
It’s quite easy. Wear a tourmaline birthstone ring, bracelet or a pendant studded with this October birthstone. But remember for astrological jewelry the gemstone should touch your skin.
5. Is it true that tourmaline attracts dust?
Yes. Tourmaline is a pyroelectric gemstone which means when heated it attracts dust particles. But for an everyday user, it’s a perfect fit because who in the right mind will heat their jewelry? Regular weather changes do not affect the gemstone.
6. Which variety of tourmaline is the rarest?
The neon blue-green paraiba tourmaline is the rarest of them all. The color is the result of trace amounts of copper in the mineral.
7. What can potentially damage a tourmaline gemstone?
Tourmaline is a very sturdy gemstone and therefore apart from scratching it with harder gemstones such as diamonds and sudden blows, it remains unfazed. However, sudden changes in the temperatures to the extreme (thermal shock) can affect the color or cause cracks.