The blue sapphire stone is one of the few charmers that have held the attention of jewelry lovers for centuries. Though sapphire occurs in various alluring colors, people have always profoundly favored its blue variety over others. This intense admiration for the sparkler in the jewelry world has made it the most coveted blue gem of all times. Let’s talk about its beauty and significance.
What Popularized Blue Sapphires?
Stones that exhibit velvety blue to violetish blue color in medium to medium-dark tones are the most sought-after ones. The highly praised deep blue color of these gems is a result of a varied concentration of the trace elements iron and titanium in the corundum.

Blue sapphires have become extremely popular nowadays. When people use the term ‘sapphire’ in general, they’re talking about blue sapphires. And It’s a fact! The intense blue color of blue sapphire stones has played a starring role in popularizing these gems. In blue sapphires, the purer the blue color, the higher the value of the gem.
But Color Can’t Be The Only Factor…
Like other fancy color sapphires, blue sapphires have exceptional hardness and durability. This is probably the actual hidden reason why everybody loves blue sapphire stones. The beautiful color of these gems alone couldn’t have led them to this great journey of adulation. In fact, it’s the beauty coupled with the durability that opened the way for the commerciality of these gems.

Apart from the appearance of a gem, its hardness and durability significantly contribute to its demand. A gem needs to offer a certain level of endurance besides an attractive color to fascinate people. Sapphire is a 9 on the 10-point Mohs scale of hardness which is why people seek out the gem in numerous fashions.
…And Of Course, Royalty
Every gem has a boon in its life that contributes either abruptly or gradually to its prominence For alexandrites, it’s their color-change property. Nobody knew spinel until the revelation that all famous rubies of this world are spinels. So, the misconception concerning rubies is the boon for spinels. The boon for blue sapphire stones is the warm approval that they’ve been receiving from royalty for all these decades.
Google ‘sapphire engagement ring’ and head to images. You’ll find various members of the British Royal Family flaunting sapphire jewelry. Ever since Princess Diana flaunted her 18-carat diamond and sapphire stone ring, the world went crazy for blue sapphire stones. The love of royalty for blue sapphires isn’t limited to only that engagement ring.
The British Royal Family has many tiaras, brooches, and other jewelry pieces decorated with blue sapphires. This enhanced the significance of blue sapphires in the hearts of the general public.
Final Words
The beauty and significance of blue sapphire stones are much more intense than they seem. The popularity of these unique gems is due to their properties and the recognition from royalty. Considering the fact that blue sapphires are a favorite of royalty, they are perfect to adorn your royal self.
Browse our extensive collection of blue sapphire rings, earrings, pendant necklaces and other pieces to pick a jewel for yourself. It’s time to embrace the magic of blue sapphire stone!