Beautiful, intelligent and compassionate – women are really something! They take care of their family and household, and diligently perform in their nine-to-five schedule. You may think understanding them is a struggle but it’s the other way round. They aren’t the ones who fight aliens in the living room late at night on their Xbox. If you still think otherwise, these amazing facts about women will smash all stereotypes about them.

As Smart As A Whip
One of the highest IQs ever recorded belongs to a woman called Marilyn vos Savant. The super genius American columnist achieved an IQ of 228 on the Stanford-Binet test at the age of 10. There’s no denying that’s one hell of an IQ score right there.
Doing More With Less
Less may not be more for you but it is for them. Male brains are on average 9-10% larger than female brains. However, both male and female brains have the same quantity of brain cells. The higher density of cells in a female brain makes it more compact compared to that of a male. Indeed, you should recall these amazing facts next time you feel women are illogical.

Motherly Love
Women are more sensitive to a child’s mewls than men. The sound of an infant’s cry is more likely to wake a woman from sleep than anything else. No doubt a mother wakes up at the slightest whimper of her child while her husband slumbers.
Outliving Us All!
Women tend to live longer than men, no surprise there. Their higher life expectancy can be attributed to their lifestyle. Women generally pay more attention to their health than men. Men generally don’t see a doctor till the worst-case scenario knocks at their door.

Further, women eat healthier food than men. Furthermore, they generally consume less alcohol or smoke less, adding to their longer life. This is one of those amazing facts about women that should encourage us to quit drinking and smoking.
Memory Power
Ask your wife about the first time you two met and she’ll describe the event with precise details. She can tell you everything from what the weather was like that day to which dress she was wearing.
Ever wondered how women are better than men at recalling some special events? Well, it’s said that women use more and different brain regions than men to recall emotional events. This helps them describe an emotional event with great details. These amazing facts are turning out to be a deep dive into the brains of women.

Talk A Blue Streak
An age-old saying about women is that they speak more than men. It’s believed that women speak about 20,000 words in a day, compared to men’s 7,000 words. Need an old Chinese proverb that rests the case? There you go: ‘The tongue is the sword of a woman, and she never lets it become rusty’.

Wardrobe Stylists
On average, women spend six months of their working lives deciding which dress to pick. I wouldn’t be surprised if you just said ‘now we’re talking!’ in your mind. Amazing facts like this one are every man’s favorite.
A Wealth Of Immunity
Women generally have a stronger immune system than men. This is basically because the X chromosomes in women are packed with 60 immune-related genes. Gosh! I think Rose should’ve hanged on to that door instead of Jack in Titanic.

Unmatched Color Perception
When it comes to distinguishing colors, women can leave men far behind. According to a study led by a psychology professor of Brooklyn college, women are more adept at distinguishing among shades. No wonder a woman can tell the difference between the shades of five red lipsticks. So, next time you pick a ruby or a sapphire for her, go for the finest quality.
Let’s get on to the last of the amazing facts on our list.

Born Soldiers
In World War II, more than 8,00,000 women enlisted in the Red Army. More than half of these women served in front-line units. Now that’s one of the great facts about women.
Final Words
After all these supercool, amazing facts, ladies, take a bow! You play a starring role in our lives, and the world wouldn’t (literally) be the same without you. To all the men: it’s about time you did some shopping for all the women in your life. I’m pretty sure little gifts from you every now and then will keep them calm while you save the world from aliens. 😉
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