If you live in the northern hemisphere, The month of March must have a special place in your heart. The long, unforgiving winter comes to a close with the vibrance of spring. There are flowers everywhere. The sun is warm and the fresh breeze is kind. I am romanticizing the month and I am doing so unapologetically. March is simply fabulous and so it is no wonder that the month has been bequeathed with a gemstone that is just as fabulous. So, let us learn about the March birthstone in detail.
History of the March Birthstone
One look at the history and we know that aquamarine has its linkage to water, particularly the sea.
Roman fishermen called the gemstone ‘water of the sea’. They used it with a belief of a bountiful fish catch as well as for safe travel. Some ties also point to the apostle St. Thomas who frequently traveled by boat. Also, Romans found it useful for treating overeating & bloating.
Other ancient civilizations such as Hebrews, Greeks, Sumerians and Egyptians also had their admiration for the aquamarine gemstone. Also according to some beliefs, the High Priest of the Second temple had an aquamarine stone with the engravings of the names of six tribes of Israel.
In Greek mythology, Aphrodite adorned her mermaid daughters’ hair with aquamarine stones. It was once believed to give its wearers protection during battle or in litigation.
Know the March Birthstone
Aquamarine, the March gemstone, is a variety of blue beryl.
Other members of the beryl family include the rich green emerald and blushing pink morganite. Aquamarine crystals are formed in a hexagonal structure and can be quite large. The blue gemstone comes mainly from Brazil where it was first discovered. Today, it is also found in Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Pakistan, and Mozambique.
1. Color
Aquamarines are usually a refreshing icy blue color which is at once electric, as well as calming.
While the gemstone might contain greenish hues the final color is undoubtedly blue. The color is due to the presence of iron in the base mineral beryl. The shade of blue ranges from a translucent tint of blue to a medium- dark blue. Usually, a crystal of aquamarine is no darker than a swiss blue topaz.
If it appears darker, it is probably because of how the cut has manipulated the gemstone’s appearance. While low crown angles are used to deepen the color, high crown angles are also favored as they add to the sparkle of the stone.

2. Refractive index
Refractive index is a measure of a material’s ability to conduct light and is used to identify various gemstones.
The refractive index of a gemstone is also an important parameter in measuring its worth. The higher the refractive index the more brilliant a gemstone. Aquamarine’s refractive index ranges between 1.577 & 1.583 which means it is fairly brilliant.
Lapidaries can further manipulate this brilliance by shaping the gemstone into various strategic cuts. Also, since beryl minerals are very easy to polish, they appear incredibly brilliant, in spite of their moderate light dispersion.

3. Hardness of the March Birthstone
Beryl minerals are quite hard and can be easily accommodated into jewelry with complex designs.
This indicates that the process of handcrafting beryls isn’t overly sensitive and gives the lapidary enough room to carry out the craft of shaping and polishing Beryl based gemstones. Aquamarine measures between 7.5 & 8.0 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
This indicates that the gemstone is sturdy and suitable for daily wear. In the recent past, aquamarine rings have become extremely popular.

4. Legends and Folklore
Aquamarines are believed to have a strong connection with the Ocean.
In fact, the word Aquamarine is Latin for “water of the sea”. Roman sailors carried them as good luck charms against the perils of the unknown sea. There is belief that aquamarine enhances intelligence, courage & foresight of its wearer.
It is also believed to have healing properties. Some cultures equate it with youth and beauty due to its vibrant color and associations with spring as the March birthstone.

5. Famous Aquamarines
Roosevelt and Don Pedro Aquamarines are the most famous stones of its family.
In 1936 The first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt visited Brazil where President Getúlio Vargas presented her with a deep blue emerald cut aquamarine that weighed 1,298 carats. The ‘Roosevelt Aquamarine’ as it came to be known has been housed in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York since 1947.
>> Learn more about 5 Most Famous Aquamarine
While the Roosevelt Aquamarine has great historical significance, the Don Pedro Aquamarine weighs a staggering 10,363 carats and is the largest aquamarine in the world. It has been cut into a 14-inch tower by the famous German lapidary, Berndt Munsteiner and is kept in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Where are March Birthstones Found
Aquamarines come from various locations around the world but the biggest deposits are in Brazil, in the state of Minas Gerais.
Besides, the March birthstone also has deposits in Africa, Asia and the United States. In Africa, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar yield aquamarines of good quality. Similarly in Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan are prominent. In the US, you can find aquamarines in Colorado’s Mount Antero area, and California’s Riverside and San Diego counties. Some other notable countries are China, Myanmar, Russia, Ukraine, India, Zimbabwe, Australia and Namibia.
How to Buy Aquamarine Gemstone
Like diamonds and ‘big three’ color stones, aquamarine is also evaluated on the basis of 4Cs- color, cut, clarity and carat.
Aquamarine is a remarkably sparkling and beautiful stone, perfect for everyone but it holds a special significance to the March borns. It is also important for people celebrating romantic love or intending to bring more passion into their relationship.
The first factor to consider while purchasing aquamarine is its color which is one of the striking features. It usually comes in blue color ranging from very light to strong dark blue. Sometimes, it has an undertone of green. You need to see the evenness and the depth of color.

Whether you like the secondary hue or the purity of color depends on your preference. But your choice ranges from pure blue to greenish blue. Light colored stones are more affordable than the darker ones.
Secondly, look at the gemstone’s cut. Since the March birthstone can be very lightly colored, almost appearing colorless at times, the cut plays a crucial role in bringing out its sparkle.
The next important factor is the gemstone’s clarity, representing the presence or absence of flaws (inclusions) or blemishes. Aquamarines are usually clear and if at all there are any inclusions, they are taken care of during faceting. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to hold the stone against white light to check for inclusions.
Last but not least is the carat weight or size of your aquamarine. Since aquamarine crystals grow quite significantly larger compared to other stones, larger cut gemstones are possible to purchase. You don’t need to think twice if you want to make a statement. You can also use smaller stones to give company to a big center stone or go for a cluster setting altogether.
Aquamarines in the British Royal Family
Pictures of Princess Diana still rock the internet, where we see her wearing her famous aquamarine ring and bracelet set. Moreover, Queen Elizabeth II of England also had a breathtaking set of aquamarine jewels that include a large tiara, necklace, earrings and bracelet. If you want to know who inherited what from the Queen’s collection, you can read it here.
So, the question of how to buy aquamarine comes down to these fundamental factors. However, one factor which is of prime importance is the reputation of the seller. Because, if you’re making your purchase from an established jeweler such as GemsNY, you need worry about anything else.
Whether you want to create your own collection of ‘crown jewels’ or something more subtle, aquamarines can do it for you. If you’re searching jewelry stores near me, GemsNY is the closest you can get.
March Birthstone for All
Apart from being the birthstone for the month of March, Aquamarine is also the anniversary stone for the 19-year milestone. Also, it is the state gemstone of Colorado which has a long history of gemstone mining in the United States.
Aquamarine jewelry has gained immense popularity in the past decade with aquamarine engagement rings and cocktail rings being particularly famous. Check out our collection of aquamarine gemstones and create your own rings, earrings and pendants and treat yourself to the icy March blues.
Month-wise Zodiac Signs & Birthstone List
Want to Learn more about Aquamarine? Read here.