Spinel is a misunderstood gemstone. People often confuse its alluring red and blue varieties with ruby and sapphire respectively. Don’t you think spinel stones deserve recognition? There is so much more to spinel birthstones than their resemblance to rubies and sapphires. If you are curious to learn about spinel gemstones, you are at the right place!
What is Spinel Gemstone?
People used to confuse spinels with rubies and sapphires. That was because they were wrongly categorized as corundum, a mineral that was mined alongside spinels in huge quantities. However, spinel belongs to the oxide mineral class, wherein isometric oxides of iron, magnesium, and zinc make spinel minerals.
While spinels are available in various beautiful colors, such as pink, black, and purple, red and blue are its most coveted shades. Red spinels get their color from the presence of chromium, whereas blue spinels owe their stunning hue to iron and cobalt.
Is Spinel a Durable Gemstone?
Spinel is a durable stone with a fair ranking of 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness. It is a practical gemstone choice for everyday wear.

Unmasking the History of Spinels
Not many people are familiar with spinels. If you are one of them, let’s take a walk down the road and explore the history of spinels.
As early as ancient Rome and China, spinel was a popular stone choice and was worn by kings and aristocrats. However, it was mainly because it was often confused for sapphires and rubies.
In Asia, spinel crystals were prized by kings and occasionally given as gifts after wars. Additionally, the use of spinels as royal gems dates back to ancient Persia. Spinels were also famous and coveted gemstones in Spain during the 14th century.
Spinel Birthstone FAQ
Is spinel a precious stone?
Diamond, ruby, emerald, and sapphire are the four gemstones that are considered precious stones. Spinel, on the other hand, is known as a semi-precious stone.
Is spinel stone valuable?
Spinels are valuable gemstones. Their rarity and color palette contributes to their rarity and high cost. Red, blue, orange, and pink varieties of spinel are highly sought-after and valuable.
Are all spinels rare?
While spinel, as a whole, is considered a rare gemstone, the color varieties of red, cobalt blue, and pink are known to be exceptionally rare.
What Symbolism Does a Spinel Birthstone Hold?
In addition to its cost per carat and fascinating lore and history, spinel has a worth that transcends beyond such factors. Considering its emotional and healing advantages, countless individuals hold spinel in high regard.
Spinel represents hope. It stands for sheer joy, enthusiasm, and zeal for life. It is popular as a stone for renewal. Getting back in touch with one’s creative self is believed to be made easier by spinel. It also helps individuals rekindle their sense of passion and self-connection.
If you think that’s all, you are in for more surprises!
Spinel is also believed to aid in physical healing. It includes having more energy and endurance. Spinel promotes mental health and less lethargy and forgetfulness. It helps us let go of fatigue and bad energy, maximizing the best aspects of who we are.
Spinel is one of the birthstones for August. It is an ideal gemstone choice for those born in August or with the zodiac signs Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, and Sagittarius. So, if your birthday falls in August or you have any of these zodiac signs, get yourself a spinel birthstone jewelry!
Moreover, spinel has become the traditional stone for commemorating the 22nd wedding anniversary!
Where Can You Find Spinel Stones?
Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Myanmar are some of the prominent countries that mine spinel. Additionally, you can also find spinel sources in Africa, the USA, Russia, Canada, Vietnam, and Japan. While we might be able to find additional sources for this gemstone, currently, spinels are considered rare.
The 2 Coveted Colors of Spinel
Blue Spinel

Cobalt impurities in the crystal lattice are what give spinel its blue hue. That’s why many people refer to blue spinels as cobalt blue spinels. The presence of high iron content in spinel can make it darker in shade, especially the ones found in Sri Lanka. As a result, rather than being purely blue, these stones have a blue-gray to violet-blue hue.
Due to its rarity among other gemstones that occur naturally, blue spinel is a truly remarkable stone. More and more people have started noticing and getting attracted to this beautiful gemstone.
Red Spinel

Red spinel is the perfect alternative for rubies and garnets. Trace amounts of iron and chromium are responsible for giving this variety of spinel birthstone its enchanting red hue. It is a rare gemstone, which also makes it highly sought-after and valuable.
Here’s a fun fact for you! Did you know that the Black Prince’s Ruby, which is famous for its deep red color, is actually not a ruby but a red spinel? Quite surprising, isn’t it? Despite this fact, it still holds a significant place in history as one of the most well-known and treasured red spinels. This notable gemstone can be found resting atop the Imperial State Crown.
Should I Get a Spinel Loose Stone/Jewelry?
Are you sold on this alluring gemstone yet? Because I sure am! There is a spinel for every person and every taste thanks to its mesmerizing color palette, remarkable durability, rarity, and captivating beauty! At GemsNY, you find a riveting collection of high-quality and beautiful spinel birthstones, among other gemstones.